Shipping costs and problems
to continued problems in getting product to international customers,
all international orders will be now shipped DHL - they are fast and
reliable - albeit expensive.
you want to place an order, process it from this website. After I
receive your order, I will get an estimate from DHL and
invoice your shipping cost. Please make sure I have your telephone
When you
pay the shipping invoice, I will ship the order. If you have a U.S. address I can ship to, use that. *********************************************************************************************************
Import Duties and Taxes
be aware that your shipment will, in most cases, be subject to import
duties. These are taxes charged TO YOU by your government, and have nothing to
do with me.
I DO NOT receive any funds in this process.
Failure to pay the import duties will result in the package being destroyed and no refund of your payment.
be aware what the import duties are for your country. Since I ship to
52 different countries, I cannot track this for you.